
Just a quick note about our conversation this morning in our adoption worldview class. I was discussing with the boys the idea that what we put into our heads is eventually going to come out in our actions.  The two big Scripture proofs of this are Psalm 119:9-11 and Luke 6:45.  We spend so much of our time filling our heads with worldly knowledge and agendas, then we are somehow surprised when our actions start to go down a wrong path...why are we surprised?  Do we think that God will somehow not be found to be right?  Or that for some strange reason we are going to be the exception to God's truths?  I tell the boys all the time that one of their biggest deceptions is the belief that they are exception.  They will be the one person who is able to do drugs and somehow not be destroyed.  They will be able to participate in sexual promiscuity and not reap the sinful effects... and the list goes on and on.  We are NOT the exception, we will be the next statistic.  Can (does) God show us mercy?  Yes, He does, but He is also true to His Word, and we will have to live in the consequence of what we have done.  On the flip side of this is the parent who is frustrated by their son's behavior and cannot seem to understand why they are doing these things, and then tells me (or someone else) "but he has such a good heart"... this is not legitimate.  For if this is true then God is a liar, and He is not.  When they are showing you their heart (based on their behaviors) be grateful for the insight.  It can be hard at times, but it is always  to your advantage to not be in the dark about what they are thinking and doing.  Pray for them, guide them, restrict them, and ultimately be a good steward of the gift God has given you.


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