This blog is going to cover a subject that comes up a lot here at Future Men, and it is the subject of when is my son a man. I think we want to talk to, and consider our sons as men asap, and they want the privileges that come with being a man asap, but when it comes to disagreements and we as parents trying to flex our "parental muscle"...well, it seems to be a different story. Here is what I mean. You are at a crossroads of some big choice your son is wanting to make, and you stand in disagreement with his choice. He wants to pull out the "I'm 18" card or "why can't I be treated as an adult?" Both of which are great points or great questions (which to be frank they are not really questions on your son's mind, it is just words used to convey disagreement. So, how do we avoid this type of conversation, or worse, what do we do now if we are already in the middle of a conversation like this? Many parents ask me what will happen when their so...